Kategorie: Zen

The answers are never „out there“

The answeres are „in there“, inside you, waiting to be discovered. Come on. Have fun. Kick ass.roninz.de
Andy Guettner

Be happy.

There is only one wayto achieve lasting happieness.That way is simply:Be happy.–Zen and the Art of Happiness Come on. Have fun. Kick ass.roninz.de
Andy Guettner

Holy Man

Simon the Holy Man (Terry Jones) Still from motion picture Life of Brian (1979) Word spread across the countryside about the wise Holy Man who lived in a small
Andy Guettner

Malen mit Zen

und so geht es —Kampf ist Kunst — roninz.de
Andy Guettner

Working very hard

A martial arts student went to his teacher and said earnestly, „I am devoted to studying your martial system. How long will it take me to master it.“ The
Andy Guettner

What is the true meaning of black belt?

Once a student of martial arts was kneeling before his master, to perform the ceremony to receive his black belt, which was obtained with much sweat. After many years of relentless training, the student had finally come to what commonlyis said to be the culmination of a martial discipline. „Before you take the belt, you
Andy Guettner

Der Kreis

Im Kreis sind Anfang und Ende Eins.  —Kampf ist Kunst —roninz.de
Andy Guettner